why do dogs sniff their pee

there fore men used to mark their territories with the aid of urine smells. The information sniffed by […]. It is the reason why sometimes your peaceful potty time is accompanied by a dog staring at you. On a more mundane level, dogs may just sniff the feces to determine what another canine has recently eaten, telling them that ingestible goodies may be close at hand. This can make your life easier as well as theirs. The scent of the urine itself could also be intriguing and enticing to your pup. Certain types of infections can make dogs have to pee more frequently, which could lead them to urinate in unlikely places. Dogs are, also, using their urine to check their own health. They sniff places they want to pee or poop on and sniff water sources if they are thirsty. Why dogs sniff trees, lampposts and almost everything Dogs are ruled by their noses. There is no one absolute reason behind why some dogs like to sniff toilets. But there are dogs out there that do it, as strange as it may be, it actually serves a purpose. You know she needs to go to the bathroom, especially since she has been inside most of the day. But there can be many inferred as to why dogs do this. If you watch your dog lick urine while "savoring" it, pressing their tongue against their palate and raising their snout, it's probably because they are using the vomeronasal organ to receive extra information from a dog in the area. Sniffing, as weird as it is, has some social relevance, as observed in the following: Despite the above benefits, sniffing toilets seem not to have any significant purpose at all. Countless reasons may account for why your dog sniffs the toilet. When dogs chase their tails, they are merely playing and amusing themselves. A more serious reason is when a dog is dehydrated. The danger to this particular mechanism is that, over time, the pack's scat would slowly lose its nutritional value without normal injections of fresh meat. The next time it has to pee, the doggo will sniff around to find his previous spot. It is suggested to take your dog to places where they have free range to roam and find an area to go to the bathroom. Yet, we should allow our dogs to smell their urine. There is no delicate way to ask, “Why do dogs sniff butts?” Apparently, this particular issue is as sensitive as a dog’s sense of smell, so let’s approach the question carefully. It seems appropriate. It is merely a manifestation of their territorial nature and does not warrant your worry. Here we've come up with a thorough explanation on why dogs sniff before they pee and things you can actually do to keep yourself sane (in case your fur-baby decides to pee … Countless reasons may account for why your dog sniffs the toilet. Secrets of the Snout: A Dog's Nose Is a Work of Art. They can know about other dog's behavior through through the scent. Dr. Lisberg's work also suggests that female dogs are interested in both male and female pee mail, while male dogs are … It could also mask their scent to potential prey as well. This can help their own canine nature play out in our society of day-to-day. You will notice them following you around everywhere you go. Dogs aren’t well-versed in the world of human boundaries, especially when it comes to using their nose. As humans, we can learn from their perceptiveness, but we can also teach them that they are safe through all their fun explorations. As you are walking, she immediately goes to the bathroom after sniffing around to find the perfect spot. In short, urinating and then sniffing is a means of communication. Turns out we weren't paying close enough attention: According to a study by Dr. Anneke Lisberg, intact males with high social order are most likely to overmark, or pee over another dog’s scent, while females tend to mark nearby, as opposed to on top of, the urine mark left by another dog. We have previously discussed why dogs pee so much while on walks, and the sniffing is a natural extension of this. Doing this, they can determine information about another dog who has left their mark. It is their canine nature to smell everything in the world to make sure there is safety and familiar territory around. It can almost be seen as some sort of artwork they are trying to perfect. The canine sense of smell is their primary sense and they gain more information using their noses that using any other sense. Dogs urinate where other dogs have urinated, and then they stop and sniff to get the message that the other dog left and to ensure that they left a proper message for others. It may be impolite behavior, but dogs are just seeking information about you. Face it, some deeds dogs do are utterly gross. It is the canine nature to leave a mark or, perhaps, a signature. They sniff it because they want to see who's pee it was. And if they were scanning their environment, keeping still to listen and sniff would be more effective than giving the area a quick once-over. Dogs are territorial beings. Dog lovers who have had more than a few pups in their life may have noticed that some dogs, especially males, react more strongly to licking up other dogs’ pee. Female Dogs Drinking Pee. July 30, 2018. One of those yucky things they do is drink from the toilet bowl. Perhaps in their escapade to look for food, the bathroom is simply a viable location to check on. Often, the dogs’ regular visit to the bathroom is to identify who went to the bathroom and what they did while at it. Another theory is that the dog isn't trying to get a scent on them, but to put their scent on the ground. Dogs sniff for the scent of other dogs for territorial rights, and to cover the scent of their mates as well. Male Vs. 01. Dogs drop their bombs anywhere. If you are wondering why dogs pee on tires, you can bet that dogs likely have many good reasons. A customizable modal perfect for newsletters, Start typing to see results or hit ESC to close, Things To Take Care of With Your 3 Month Old Kitten, Essential Oils For Dogs – The Safest And Worst Oil To Use. Yet, you want to also train your dog to know that they are not in the wild and do not need to smell everything. Checking urine can be a way that your dog deciphers their own wellness. Dog feces contained vital nutrients that could really come in handy during the winter months when prey was scarce. If you want to make dogs stop this gross activity, then simply regularly wash their water bowl and change the water. The information sniffed by the dogs gets stored in their brain database and is for identifying people or animals. Yet, to dogs, that is not the case. When your dog has a food change or even takes medication, the smell of their urine will change. Now you understand this great canine ability, it is easier to understand why they want to sniff urine. Therefore, when they go to the bathroom and then smell it, they are seeing what message they left to mark their own territory on an old spot. When your dog goes to the bathroom, they are releasing toxins from their body, but they are also releasing information. It is suggested to not encourage your dog to smell their pee if they do not need to, but allow them to flow, naturally, with their canine nature. It serves as a marker to inform other dogs that the area already has an owner. Sniffing is an instinctual behavior in which a dog deposits his own odor in the form of urine or feces onto his environment to mark territory. It also has a reason. Elderly dogs can suffer from dementia and sundowner’s syndrome. And we will be discussing them below: Dog pets are naturally clingy. So a male dog may sniff to identify other male dogs that are marking some area as their own territory. If you notice your dog drinking both his and other dogs’ urine, it could be caused by this. However, make sure your dog does not lick their own urine. I have a mating pair of Great Danes. Often a tree or some other object will be the line between one dogs territory and another so the dogs will sniff to see how many other dogs have marked that object, then they mark it as theirs or not. You may have noticed how dogs are particularly interested in tires, and how after sniffing them, dogs strategically pee on them and then leave with a satisfied, "mission accomplished' look on their faces. Bruce Fogle, the author of Know your Dog, explains that tyres retain the smell of dog urine. If they do, it may be because they discovered a change in their own health and it is suggested to, possibly, consult with your veterinarian. For example, urinary tract infections and bladder infections can cause dogs to have to pee a lot. lots of the packs being led with the aid of alfa men. Interestingly, the number of smell receptors dogs have towered over humans. It might not have happened under your nose, so you did not notice. After she goes to the bathroom, your dog decides to sniff the spot she just decided to mark. Besides, the urine marker they use is very minute to notice. They smell for quite a while and choose their spot like they are perfecting their signature for other animals and even people to see. In fact, they are unique creatures that take every sight, smell, and noise into account when they are trying to determine where they are. Dogs will usually sniff the ground before choosing a spot to go to the bathroom because they are reading the messages that were previously left by others and, then, they are choosing an appropriate spot to mark their own territory. The reason why your dog may lick its pee may simply be an effort to hide the fact that they urinated indoors. Dogs love them treats, do they not? To address why dogs sniff rear ends, we have to understand their sense of smell and their … Well, when talking about non-relevant crazy things dogs do, dogs chase their tails too. Dogs might roll around in the poop of others because it masks their scent. When your dog goes to the bathroom, they are precise about leaving their own spot in the world. In the wild, this would be beneficial to dogs because it would throw predators off their trail. Well, read on to know more. But what is the rationale behind why dogs sniff toilets? This can cause them to urinate inside, and it can also cause them to try to drink their own urine even if they have a perfectly good water source. Some dogs are more sensitive to odor than others. Many times, pet parents want to know if a certain behavior is normal or acceptable from their pet. wilder canines lives in packs and intensely a lot territorial. Perhaps the reason for sniffing is to identify whether there are foreign substances in the toilet water that might harm them. Sometimes it’s because a male dog senses a female is in heat, which can cause drooling and other odd behavior like leg humping in some cases. This is telling the world and other animals that they were here and this is their spot. They can detect the gender of the other dog, as well as clues to that dog’s age … Why Do Dogs Sniff Each Other's Butts? One of them is smelling urine because it seems gross, messy, and just not appropriate. Share this: One of my favorite parts of being a veterinarian is hearing and seeing all the funny and quirky things that pets do. As if the bacteria there will not. Alison Birken, DVM. The reason behind this is that toilet water is more refreshing than the ones in the bowl only because it is free-flowing. This association of you and the toilet may have caused their inclination to it. We should not scold our dog if they lick urine from other dogs. The former having 220 million, while the latter only at 5 million olfactory receptors. if it is another dog's, they will pee over it to show that it is their "property" and they are in charge. Dog Behavior: Why Do Dogs Kick Their Feet After Pooping? Although they have high regard for personal spaces, they do not know what a bathroom is. This is why dogs like to stop and smell the roses and everything else too. A dog that licks its pee is not a big deal, nor is it an emergency. So, if they come back to the tyre sometimes later, the smell is still there, which is the reason why they pee … It is a completely natural behavior for dogs. Assume the Peeing Position! Yet, make sure to let them explore because for them, it’s no fun without it. Let your dog sniff and explore, but try and teach your dog that they are in a safe and familiar area. Sometimes dogs go about the household looking for any dog treat they can find. Regardless if they just finished eating their meals, for them receiving treats is always a great idea. Dogs also use … Sometimes, dogs will smell their own urine and although it is quite peculiar, it is meaningful to the canine nature. Canines are made quite differently than humans are. Dogs Sniffing Other Dogs’ Pee. They go there because your familiar scent is present in it even if you are not. That way, they will not look for other alternatives as a water source (e.g., the toilet). Dogs' amazing sense of smell is 10,000 to 100,000 times better than humans. advertisement. To humans, urine should be left alone and disregarded once it is out of the body. Dogs sniff foreign objects and where your scent lingers. In every action, your dog is making sure everything is in order because that is an essential part of being a canine. When he sniffs where another dog has enjoyed potty time, your pooch is likely to pee in the same spot to mark it as his own. When your dog goes to smell their own urine, they are looking to see what message their urine left on the spot they just marked. Yet, your dog does not want to do that. Leaving a Message for Others. Remember that dogs mark their territory and smell another animal via pee and faeces. It’s a common sight for male dog – he always lifts one of his back legs to pee. So when they receive information about which dog owns that space and has since left, a dog who most recently urinates in … They sniff places they want to pee or poop on and sniff water sources if they are thirsty. “Maybe master ate some chicken and decided to just leave a whole thigh bone in there,” a dog might think. The former having 220 million, while the latter only at 5 million olfactory receptors. Why Do Dogs Pee On Tires? Once she goes, you decide to continue walking. Dogs sniff foreign objects and where your scent lingers. Dogs will usually sniff the ground before choosing a spot to go to the bathroom because they are reading the messages that were previously left by others and, then, they are choosing an appropriate spot to mark their own territory. They also have a special part of their noses called the Jacobson's organ that lets them ignore the smell of poop when they sniff another dog's … It is the same when dogs lick pillows. One thing sure is that it is a natural tendency for dogs to do so. Why do dogs sniff the ground? Urine marking is the most common form of scent marking. Usually, dogs will only have a little urine come … Here’s why dogs pee while doing a handstand. You may have noticed, on a walk, that your dog sniffs their own urine. Adrienne Farricelli. Who knows? Beyond this, your dog may also be checking their urine to check up on their own health. One thing sure is that it is a natural tendency for dogs to do so. generally canines do not urinates there the place he fails to come across any canines smell. Dogs are very good at taking care of their own health because their past nature was to be in the wild. A butt sniff for dogs is like a handshake for humans. That rude behavior on the part of your dog is triggered by the fact that scents from your groin area contain a … But have you ever seen him doing a handstand while peeing? Once they’ve garnered all the information that they need from urine or feces, most dogs return the favor by leaving their own deposits. Mar 1, 2019. Some experts suggest that dogs smell their urine to check their health. If your dog needs to smell their own urine for a while, it may be so they can better heal their own body and check to make sure something is not off. Dogs like other dogs to sniff and smell their pee, which would be easier if the pee is at the nose level. Dogs Should Be "Unleashed" to Sniff to Their Noses' Content. Though, the last might be a bit gross, so you better stop your dog. It is early in the afternoon and you decide to take your dog on her daily walk. Also, dogs will sniff their own urine to ensure that it’s strong enough to mass the old smell. Probably not. In his mind, this gives him the strategic advantage as the big dog -- … Part of this is, also, to make sure that their message and their scent was strong enough to cover up whatever was left there before. This would apply to dogs that have been trained to pee outside and know they will be punished for peeing indoors. Sometimes, our dogs will do things that seem a bit gross, like smelling their own urine. They do this if they want to mark territory or hide a previous smell they don’t like. There are things that our dogs do that seem a bit odd. An older dog drinking their own urine might be confused. What Can I Give My Dog to make Him Sleep. Sniffing is an instinct among dogs. They use their Jacobson organ (which can be found in the roof of the mouth) to ‘sniff’ out pheromones. They mark their territories using their urine. Dogs are made differently than humans and they explore the world using their nose as well as their mouth. Though, the last might be a bit gross, so you better stop your dog. © 2020 Wag Labs, Inc. All rights reserved. Sniffing is an instinct among dogs. 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