extraversion vs extroversion

The team from AsapSCIENCE is here to break down the evidence, and it turns out there's quite a lot of research that shows there really is a divide between the way introverts and extroverts think and feel - it's definitely not all in your head. The extraversion personality in the workplace: high vs. low extraversion. This blog post is the second in a four-part series covering the four behavioral drives that the Predictive Index™ measures in its PI Behavioral Assessment. Psychologists explain the personality differences between introverts and extroverts, and how that impacts their relationships, careers, and more. Not only did she change the spelling of the word, but she also changed the definition! To most people, both versions of the spelling generally mean the same thing, so both are typically considered equally acceptable. A study reveals how the Big Five personality dimensions influence audiences'... Extraversion And Introversion. We can understand extraversion as varying in extent on an introversion-extraversion scale. Extroversion is a personality trait typically characterized by outgoingness, high energy, and/or talkativeness. Don't get me wrong, we still have a LONG way to go, but we know so much more about the fundamental personality dimensions that exist in the general population, and how they can interact with each other and with the environment/specific situations/triggers to create a personalized individual personality structure. Some people are, of course, more extraverted than others, and to different degrees. How to use extroversion in a sentence. An introvert is usually a shy person who likes his company the most, and all kinds of going out give him a huge problem. Since we need consistency in the work we do, we had to make a decision for internal materials. You are an extravert. * For many people who identify as introverts, this definition isn't satisfactory. Today, ExtrOvert is the most common spelling of the term in the United States. Instructions. In the entire English dictionary, “Extro” shows up as a prefix less than 10 times, six of which are variations on “Extroversion.” Extravert (E) Personality The Power of Engagement. They enjoy pushing limits and seeing what the world can do. Subscribers get more award-winning coverage of advances in science & technology. Jung was THE BOMB DIGGIDITY (which, by the way, I wish was an official term in the Oxford dictionary). After attending a social gathering, introverts need … That's correct. Introversion doesn’t merely mean shy and extroversion doesn’t always mean “life of the party”. They are influenced significantly by both genes and the … If they love Jung so much (which I agree they should because Jung was amaaaaazing), why don't they honor him by using the spelling he actually used? Sociability is not Extroversion. Extraversion is one of the five personality traits of the Big Five personality theory. They see introversion as encompassing much more than just being quiet/reserved. Maybe a solution is to just have both spellings in existence, but define the terms differently. I do believe it's helpful for scientists to listen to the experiences of individuals, but I also think it could be helpful for individuals to listen to the latest science. These words have a meaning in psychology that is different from the way they are used in everyday language. So do you consider yourself more of an introvert or an extrovert? Extraversion vs. Introversion . I'll focus here on the introversion side of the question. Also, there is no such thing as a pure introvert or extrovert — no matter what the introvert/extrovert quiz says. * One of the major discoveries of modern personality research is that the … If You’re More of an Introvert… If your quiz result shows that you’re more of an introvert, you tend … ** But I'm sure even Jung would have been pleased to see how far we've come since his time. We can understand extraversion as varying in extent on an introversion-extraversion scale. Align business strategy and people strategy, Explore our resource and learning library. How about instead we bury ExtrOversion once and for all, and all embrace the same spelling to honor Jung. Introverts are shy and extroverts are outgoing. Extraversion vs. Introversion; Sensing vs. Intuition; Thinking vs. I noticed that most of the people on the internet who use the term ExtrOvert, with an O, and correct those who use an A, are actually big fans of Jung's definition, and personally define ExtrAversion and IntrOversion in strictly Jungian terms. Extroversion vs Sociability. Extravert (E) Personality The Power of Engagement. Extroversion definition, a disposition that is energized through social engagement and languishes or chafes in solitude, resulting in a personality that is gregarious, outgoing, and sociable. Some people are, of course, more extraverted than others, and to different degrees. (In the Narcissus-Echo myth, Echo is a nymph who longs for Narcissus’s love and attention. Introvert vs. Extrovert Diffen › Social Sciences › Psychology Although many people feel that introversion and extroversion are black and white, others believe that introversion and extroversion are two ends of a spectrum (people in the middle are often called "ambiverts"), or even that people can be extroverted in some areas and introverted in other areas. This does not mean, however, that such people are worse than others. For example, contemporary research and test development around the Five Factor and HEXACO models have consistently used the “A” spelling. There is becoming this rift between a lot of people (not all, but a lot) who spell it ExtrOvert and the scientists who spell it ExtrAvert who are trying to help create new knowledge on the topic. Are you an extravert? One of the first times Carl Jung introduced the term is in 1917, in his book "Die Psychologie der Unbewussten Prozesse", he spelled it "ExtrAvert". Extroverts are primarily interested in what is happening in the outside world. Extraversion is the original spelling of the word introduced by Jung and used by Eysenck, the two biggest theorists in this area. * Jung was a pretty sharp guy, but he would have been the first to admit that he was an armchair psychologist. People can have multiple drives (e.g., a social drive and a drive for imagination), and different personality traits can interact in fascinating nuanced ways within individuals. Introversion and extroversion are on a spectrum, meaning, they are not all-or-nothing traits. So why do so many people spell it ExtrOversion today? “Introvert” vs. “Extrovert” They say that opposites attract, and that’s usually true for introvert–extrovert couples. She is approachable, smiles often, and is pleasant around others. The extraversion drive Extraversion is the drive for social interaction with other people. 3. EXTRAVERSION (EXTROVERSION): "Extraversion is considered the opposite of introversion, where an individual is concered with societies perception of them, not necessarily their own opinion of themselves." How to use extroversion in a sentence. 1. Test: Are you an introvert or an extrovert? But in terms of psychology, this noun is also defined as “a person characterized by extroversion; a person concerned primarily with the physical and social environment.” These bubbly people aren’t reserved and tend to mix well in social settings without stress. n. Variant of extroversion. Perceiving; The MBTI® Assessment and Alternative Personality Tests; How Myers & Briggs' Personality Typing is Used; Validity of the Myers Briggs Type Indicator®: is the MBTI® Scientific? Here's the great irony. Leaders who are extroverts might leave a distinguishing mark on the people who follow them; leaders who are introverts … Soon after, the dictionary adopted Blanchard's spelling. First, from a traditionalist point of view, the term “extraversion” wasn’t a part of psychology until Carl Jung introduced it into the lexicon of the science world. We’re committed to your privacy. Extraversion and Introversion are opposite preferences. And what’s the difference between an introvert vs. extrovert? Let’s go back to the definition of extroversion again. Introvert and extravert, basic personality types according to the theories of the 20th-century Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung.According to these theories, an introvert is a person whose interest is generally directed inward toward his own feelings and thoughts, in contrast to an extravert, whose attention is directed toward other people and the outside world. Management Workshops & Consulting Services. It indicates how outgoing and social a person is. Introvert vs Extrovert - A Brief Explanation. Some think it’s because it sounded better or was more symmetrical with the sound and spelling of introversion. She is nearly always cheerful and is a consummate team-first person. Introvert vs Extrovert: The Difference Between Personalities Assumed to be dichotomous halves of the introversion-extroversion personality dimension, introverts are considered to be reflective, private, thoughtful individuals while extroverts are thought to be gregarious, assertive, adaptive, happy individuals with a tendency to take risks. Talkativeness 7. They are typically outgoing and love to work on teams. Discover your approach to decision-making with the maximizer vs satisficer quiz. Imagine what you would do in a situation if you haven't experienced a scenario portrayed in a question. 89% of Extraverts say they are comfortable verbally expressing gratitude when they feel it, compared to 67% of Introverts. View our Privacy Policy. The Big Five personality traits are extraversion (also often spelled extroversion), agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness, and neuroticism. Reasons to use ExtrAversion instead of ExtrOversion. In her 1918 paper, "A Psycho-Analytic Study of August Comte", she writes: "In order to understand the marked contract between Comte's mental attitude during his early years and that of his later life, we must keep in mind Jung's hypothesis of the two psychological types, the introvert and extrovert, -- the thinking type and the feeling type.". 6 min read. 1Although occasionally one will see extroversion-introversion, the preferred spelling in psychological re-search is extraversion-introversion. Partly that’s to avoid thinking o… This conclusion came as a result of going out and asking people to describe their own personal experiences, to ask people to describe themselves or others, and then using statistical analysis to organize this wealth of information into a personality taxonomy. It has been scientifically proven that introverts are much better listeners, more accurate employees, and, above all, attached partners. Introverts feel more comfortable when socialising in small groups, and with people who they are familiar with. This is such an unnecessary rift! Engaging Discover your approach to decision-making with the maximizer vs satisficer quiz. Action-oriented 9. Extraversion vs Introversion. Is it with an “A,” as in extraversion, or with an “O,” as in extroversion. Keep in mind this is a translation, but even if you consult the original text, you can clearly see "extravertierte" is all throughout. This makes sense, given that extra is the Latin prefix for outside, and extravert, as originally used (and spelled) by Jung, means someone who is turned outward. The prefix “extra” is pretty common and often used with other words like extraordinary, extrapolate, extraterrestrial, extravagant, etc. Exhibit A (ha ha): Since I have no idea how to translate this, I will refer to another time he used the phrase, in 1921, in his classic text "Psychological Types": "Extraversion is characterized by interest in the external object, responsiveness, and a ready acceptance of external happenings, a desire to influence and be influenced by events, a need to join in…the capacity to endure bustle and noise of every kind, and actually find them enjoyable, constant attention to the surrounding world, the cultivation of friends and acquaintances… The psychic life of this type of person is enacted, as it were, outside himself, in the environment.". Share your email with us to stay up to date with our content. The two spellings showed up in writing at about the same time, “extravert” in 1916 and “extrovert” in 1918, according to citations in the Oxford English Dictionary. Extroversion is often marked by a number of different sub-traits. A person with a lower level of extraversion may be described as an introvert. by Psychologies. Warmth 2. But there’s no need to worry or change your own approach to spelling it. tl;dr: Nature I've been reading a lot lately about introversion, and various terms that are frequently confused with introversion. January 9, 2021 — Caleb A. Scharf | Opinion, January 8, 2021 — Ewen Callaway and Nature magazine, January 8, 2021 — Maxine Joselow and E&E News, January 8, 2021 — Members of The Oncology Think Tank | Opinion. But I think there's something deeper going on here. Echo desperately hopes and yearns for Narcissus to love her, but to no avail. Intuitively, you might believe that extroverts have a natural advantage when it comes to entrepreneurship. But because PI had material with both spellings of the word, we needed to make a decision on which form we would use. I'm sure Jung would have liked that suggestion. I am not condoing anything about his personal life, that's for sure! Take this test, put together with input from psychoanalyst Sandrine Dury, and find out. We now know that there are five fundamental dimensions of personality (extraversion, neuroticism, conscientiousness, agreeableness, and intellect/imagination), each one on a continuum. If you look at scientific journal articles, virtually every paper uses the spelling ExtrAvert. Trust me, I'm not usually this pedantic. Do you feel compelled to take centre-stage or are you more comfortable back-stage? You are constantly seeking out ways to be around people, whether it’s at work or at a party. An employee with high-extraversion has a sincere interest in people. The girl who is the social butterfly and likes joining meetup group and parties must be an extrovert, right? Define extraversion. A study reveals how the Big Five personality dimensions influence audiences'... Extraversion And Introversion. A person with a lower level of extraversion may be described as an introvert. William McDougall discussed Jung's conception, and reached this conclusion: "the introverts are those in whom reflective thought inhibits and postpones action and expression: the extroverts are those in whom the energies liberated upon the stirring of any propensity flow out freely in outward action and expression." Regardless of the source of the new spelling, around the 1920s, it became a popular way to spell it. There is no link between extroversion and confidence or introversion and lack of confidence. In general, extroverted people are energized by social interaction whereas those same social interactions are perceived as taxing for introverts. All Rights Reserved. Enjoys being the center of attention 8. The other day I wrote an article and used the spelling "ExtrAversion", with a juicy A, and was told that I spelled the term incorrectly. 1. the act of directing one’s interest outward or to things outside the self. In a Scientific America Article, “The Difference between ExtrAversion and ExtrOversion” (2015), psychologist Scott Barry Kaufman indicates that it was just an error in by Phyllis Blanchard from a 1918 paper where she not only used an “O,” but also redefined the meaning of the constructs. In this model, these differences are termed Extroversion (E) and Introversion (I).. Individuals can fall anywhere on the continuum for each trait. This could be so win-win. Unfortunately for her, he is completely self-absorbed, admiring his reflection in a pool of water. In conclusion, we’re using “extravert” because it’s ultimately the original spelling, how the psychological sciences generally spell it, and—quite honestly—how many of us who do the technical work at The Predictive Index spell it, too. A person who scores high in extraversion on a personality test is the life of the party. But I'm pretty sure it was just an innocent mistake. © The Predictive Index, 2021. 2. Extraversion and Introversion are one of the preferences used in the Jungian Type Inventory.The naming is unfortunately a bit archaic as extraversion is not about being loud and introversion is not about being shy. Why can't we all keep an open mind and share with each other our discoveries? Unfortunately, due in great part to social media and recent books published on introversion, these 420 million sensitive extroverts are often mislabeled or lumped into a general category of extroversion. Males on average are slightly more introverted than females. Understand what naturally drives your peoples’ behavior. Folklore has it that when Carl Jung was once asked which was the correct spelling—ExtrAvert or ExtrOvert—Jung's secretary wrote back something like, "Dr. Jung says it's ExtrAverted, because ExtrOverted is just bad latin.". Extraverts are oriented toward outward stimulation. Extrovert's brains respond more strongly when gambles pay off. We all have that one friend who can strike up a conversation with anyone, who does well in large groups, and who loves being around people. There are by far more Extraverts (about two-thirds) than Introverts (just over one-third) in the population. extraversion synonyms, extraversion pronunciation, extraversion translation, English dictionary definition of extraversion. “GRATITUDE” SURVEY. ), and ExtrAversion can specifically refer to the particular source of human variation that has been discovered through research spanning over 40 years worth of data on how people differ from one another in the general population. Megan MacCutcheon, LPC, further explains that “people sometimes assume introverts always have social anxiety or … In the entire English dictionary, “Extro” shows up as a prefix less than 10 times, six of which are variations on “Extroversion.”. Some include: 1. Jung beleived IntrOverts turn inward, whereas ExtrAverts turn outward. ... extraversion, extroversion. When we talk about the trait of extraversion, we’re talking about a dimension that runs from being very low in extraversion at one end to being very high in extraversion at the other. The reality is, most people do fall somewhere in the middle. A look at extraversion as a personality trait. In Latin, extra means outside and vertere means to turn. Instead of speaking of types, at the very least it's more accurate to speak of low, medium, and high levels of each dimension of personality. Psychology. So an “extravert” … Extraverts are interested in engaging with their environment, and they feed off the responses of the people and events around them. Explanations > Preferences > Extraversion vs. Introversion. Extraverts are interested in engaging with their environment, and they feed off the responses of the people and events around them. Extroversion is a spectrum If you think you don’t match all the extroverted characteristics, you’re not alone. Seeking novelty and excitement 3. I would like to receive updates from The Predictive Index. Etymologically, “extravert” is the term one would expect. Researchers still have a lot to learn about the roots of introversion and extroversion, and not all of what they’ve uncovered so far has fully filtered down to the public. Under this framework, extraversion is defined as being outgoing, sociable, expressive, and assertive. Plus, how to tell where you fall on the spectrum. Language Reveals Your Politics Extravert is the correct spelling in psychology, which is my background and the perspective from which I write here at Louder Minds. NEO, EPQ, MBTI. The Eysenck Personality Model was developed by German psychologist Hans Jürgen Eysenck. Feeling; Judging vs. Maybe it's my high agreeableness speaking, but why can't we all be friends? Scientific American is part of Springer Nature, which owns or has commercial relations with thousands of scientific publications (many of them can be found at, five fundamental dimensions of personality, By Scott Barry Kaufman on August 30, 2015, By Scott Barry Kaufman on September 9, 2015. ExtrOversion can specifically refer to Jung's usage of the term (even though he didn't spell it that way! So which is actually correct? At work, is it you who gets noticed first or perhaps the other people around you? Unfortunately for her, he is completely self-absorbed, admiring his reflection in a pool of water. They are often referred to as the “extroverted introvert,” the “outgoing introvert” or the “contemplative extrovert.” The Big Five remain relatively stable throughout most of one’s lifetime. Introversion is defined as the opposite of extraversion (reserved, quiet). tl;dr: Nature I've been reading a lot lately about introversion, and various terms that are frequently confused with introversion. Assertiveness 5. Gregariousness 4. Take the quiz. I'll focus here on the introversion side of the question. They may find demanding social gatherings to be draining, and be reluctant to draw attention to themselves in groups. And in most of the cases, psychologists, especially in technical work, have used the “A” spelling. The terms Extravert and Introvert are used in a different sense when discussing the Myers-Briggs Type IndicatorI®.Here Extravert and Introvert refer to where people focus their attention in order to get their energy – either the OUTER or INNER world. Compatibility and Myers & Briggs' Personality Types Extroversion is a personality trait typically characterized by outgoingness, high energy, and/or talkativeness. Assumed to be dichotomous halves of the introversion-extroversion personality dimension, introverts are considered to be reflective, private, thoughtful individuals while extroverts are thought to be gregarious, assertive, adaptive, happy individuals with a tendency to take risks. Design and execute a winning talent strategy with PI. Influenced By Stories? Extraversion and Introversion as terms used by C. G. Jung explain different attitudes people use to direct their energy. Since Jung introduced extraversion and introversion, Psychology has come a long way towards understanding, doing extensive research on the constructs. Extraversion is the term used on most (if not all) major personality tests, e.g. What’s the right spelling: extrovert or extravert? People often wonder where the “O” came from and nobody knows for sure. Persuader. I have no idea for sure; I can't ask her. A lot of people ask the question, ‘what is the correct spelling of the word extraversion? Jung described extraversion and introversion as “attitude types”. The concept of introversion and extroversion was pioneered by the legendary psychologist Carl Jung. The decision was to use the spelling of “extraversion.”. The reality is, most people do fall somewhere in the middle. What I think probably happened is that she was translating Jung and used the "extro" form to imitate the "intro" form for symmetry. But they are not. Why does this matter? Extroversion is a personality trait typically characterized by outgoingness, high energy, and/or talkativeness. The O or A? According to the Oxford English Dictionary, "The original spelling 'Extravert' is now rare in general use but is found in technical use in psychology." Extroversion definition is - the act, state, or habit of being predominantly concerned with and obtaining gratification from what is outside the self. All over the Internet, on Facebook comments, and popular articles, I see the spelling "ExtrOversion"—with a big fat O. Discover new insights into neuroscience, human behavior and mental health with Scientific American Mind. Extraversion vs Introversion. Everyone spends some time extraverting and some time introverting. Perceiving; The MBTI® Assessment and Alternative Personality Tests; How Myers & Briggs' Personality Typing is Used; Validity of the Myers Briggs Type Indicator®: is the MBTI® Scientific? The first dichotomy explores how we are energized. Cheerfulness 6. Extroverts enjoy spending time with others. Unfortunately, due in great part to social media and recent books published on introversion, these 420 million sensitive extroverts are often mislabeled or lumped into a general category of extroversion. Please check your email for your account information. © 2021 Scientific American, a Division of Nature America, Inc. Support our award-winning coverage of advances in science & technology. This is interesting, because modern day psychologists take a more multidimensional view of personality. (In the Narcissus-Echo myth, Echo is a nymph who longs for Narcissus’s love and attention. Others often describe you as friendly and energetic. The prefix “extra” is pretty common and often used with other words like extraordinary, extrapolate, extraterrestrial, extravagant, etc. In fact, clinical psychologist Linda Blair states, “It (extroversion) has nothing to do with confidence; it has to do with pressure and arousal.” Myth #4 – Extroverts Are Terrible Listeners. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and are not necessarily those of Scientific American. contact: William Revelle: revelle@northwestern.edu Additionally, research has linked high extroversion (and high self-esteem, which may be influenced by extroversion) with adolescent smoking. The first dichotomy explores how we are energized. Second from an etymological perspective, the Online Dictionary of Etymology sheds further light on the “A” by showing that the word “extravert” comes from German Extravert, from extra “outside” + Latin vertere, “to turn.” In Latin, the etymology also shows that “extra” and “intro” mean “out of/outward/outside” and “into/inward/inside.”, If Latin and word etymology aren’t your thing, look at the practical side of the word. This test can only be taken once per computer terminal per day. Language Reveals Your Politics And the guy who claims to not enjoy social events too much and rather stays at home must be an introvert, right? EXTRAVERSION (EXTROVERSION): "Extraversion is considered the opposite of introversion, where an individual is concered with societies perception of them, not necessarily their own opinion of themselves." Introvert and extravert, basic personality types according to the theories of the 20th-century Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung.According to these theories, an introvert is a person whose interest is generally directed inward toward his own feelings and thoughts, in contrast to an extravert, whose attention is directed toward other people and the outside world. Intellectual contributions extraversion ( reserved, quiet ) claims to not enjoy social events too much time alone and full. Human behavior and mental health with Scientific American mind Rights reserved also the... And is pleasant around others HEXACO models have consistently used the “ O, ” as in extroversion use spelling. I did some investigative reporting and tracked down the precise source of this.! A pool of water everyday language the workplace: high vs. low.... Personality in the work we do, we had to make a for. `` inside '' s at work, have used the “ O, as. 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