can snake plant cause allergies

1. According to indoor plant specialists, Totally Plants, there’s a common misconception amongst those suffering from plant allergies that all plants are bad, when in fact some plants can help allergy sufferers. Snake Plant a.k.a. Breathing fern spores can exacerbate allergies. Exposure to these plants can cause severe adverse reactions in pets that include vomiting, diarrhea, drooling, oral irritation, abdominal pain, anorexia and depression. Ingesting a snake plant leaf will irritate your pet’s mouth and can cause digestive issues. It is a fast-growing succulent plant, that can give an impressive look to any home or office space. Regularly sweep up any leaves that may fall from the plants. They bring beauty and drama to any room with their strong, sculptural leaves. How much does a full 1 pound propane tank weigh? Why are allergies caused? Unfortunately they are also poisonous. Provide plenty of light and ventilation to your plants. It would even be advisable to have one in each of your living areas and bedrooms. Particularly, snake plants hate very … Talk to your kids about the inherent dangers. Copyright 2020 FindAnyAnswer All rights reserved. Removes Toxins from Air. Orchids . To keep mold from growing in your indoor plant soil, you can do a few things. Snake Plant. In people, ingestion of pothos is considered only mildly noxious, but it can cause mouth burning, skin irritation, vomiting, diarrhea, and swelling of the lips, tongue and throat. Grasses. Eating any part of the plant can cause burning along the digestive tract, swelling, disruption of breathing, speaking and swallowing, and closing of the throat. Lilies, some of the most beautiful flowers in the world, are also one of the most hazardous. How do you know if you are allergic to pollen? 6-8 plants are needed per person to survive if there is no air flow (meaning you could live in a completely air sealed room if you had these plants). Ingestion of as little as one leaf, or the nectar from one flower, can cause irregular heartbeat, dizziness and tremors in humans. Additionally, it emits oxygen and filters other toxins from the air such as benzene, xylene, trichloroethylene and, Allow soil to dry between waterings and take extra special. Allergic reaction to it can cause serious harm to human health. Peace lilies are easy to care for, survive in low light and are terrific in removing three of the most common indoor pollutants, formaldehyde, benzene and trichloroethylene, from the air. Flowers/herbs. Is it safe to keep snake plant in bedroom? Ditto for pets, with the addition of dehydration and the possibility of renal failure leading to death. Plant Allergies Average Cost. The calla lily is especially dangerous to kids, causing stomach upset, vomiting, skin irritations, blurred vision, and headache. From 533 quotes ranging from $200 - $800. You can expect more plant pollen and seasonal allergies if you put any of these plants in your yard. You may avoid these plants in your garden and plant allergy friendly plants. This includes CO2, benzene, formaldehyde, xylene and toluene. Kidney and liver failure are also possible, and death likely without immediate treatment. ------------------------------------------. Indoor plants can help purify the air in your home, removing harmful pollutants and volatile airborne chemicals that can aggravate allergies and even make you sick. For allergy sufferers, though, it can cause some serious problems, making you all sorts of sneezy, says Flonase. Because it is a large plant, it is more likely to be floor-bound, making it more accessible to kids and pets. Though in small contributions, snake plants can absorb cancer-causing pollutants, including CO2, benzene, formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene. While the inner gel is the good stuff, the outer skin of the aloe is mildly toxic and extremely irritable to the skin as well as the intestinal system. Moonshine Snake Plant Benefits. If the temperature gets extremely low or high, they will be scarred. 10 Worst Plants for Your Allergies 10 Worst Plants for Your Allergies. Asked By: Asjid Comuñas | Last Updated: 18th April, 2020, In most cases, the answer is no. Keep them in a well-lit area and keep the air around them moving. Unfortunately, they are also very toxic and can cause, in humans, burning and swelling of the lips, mouth and tongue, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and difficulty swallowing. Snake Plant / Mother-in-Law’s Tongue. Associated Press articles: Copyright © 2016 The Associated Press. With the ability to absorb and eradicate impurities this plant works with effective defense causes the allergies that against the allergies that are created airborne. Mother-In-Law’s Tongue (MILTs): Of all the different oxygen producing plants, this one is unique since it converts a lot of CO2 (carbon dioxide) to O2 (oxygen) at night, making it ideal to have several in your bedroom. Plants allergies in dogs affect many dog breeds that are allergic to pollen-producing plants. The snake plant is one of the most popular indoor plants because it grows tall, thrives under almost any conditions, requires no green thumb to keep alive, and is an excellent indoor air purifier. Unlike skin plant allergies, sinus allergies are not caused by contact. They grow fast in soil with good drainage and are resistant to insects, heat, and warm climates. These plants release millions of tiny pollen grains in air that are easily inhaled. The succulent juice from the aloe has been used for centuries to help heal burns and wounds, and the juice is also an excellent digestive aid. Consider the Peace Lily, Marginata or English Ivy. Few things make a home more hospitable than houseplants. If you suffer from allergies or asthma, you know that pollen and air pollution can aggravate your symptoms — and no one with allergies wants more itchiness and puffiness than they've already got. "Flowers that produce small grains of pollen that are dispersed by the wind are the. While in most cases only mildly dangerous to humans, causing skin irritation, as well as mouth and intestinal swelling, philodendrons are exceedingly dangerous to pets (cats more than dogs), with ingestion causing spasms, seizures, pain, and swelling. Weeds. Ingestion of the daffodil can cause severe stomach issues, including pain, vomiting, and diarrhea. You might notice a southern blight or a red leaf spot. Amazing Benefits of Snake Plant 1. Another formaldehyde eater, pothos is a popular easy-to-care-for indoor plant. SALON ® is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office as a trademark of, LLC. But beware: These same plants can make you, your children and your pets sick, or even kill you, if ingested. This article originally appeared on According to a NASA study, the Snake plant makes the air healthier to breathe by removing harmful toxins like benzene, toluene, xylene, and formaldehyde.These dangerous pollutants affect us in many ways. Ideally, snake plants tolerate a temperature ranging from 60 to 80 Fahrenheit (15- 27 °C). Unlike most plants, they also absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen at night rather than the daytime, making them a good bedroom companion for some fresh oxygen during bedtime. Although considered only mildly toxic to humans and animals, ingestion can cause mouth pain, excessive salivation, and burning, swelling, and numbness of the throat. The Yucca plant is one of the coolest-looking. They grow throughout the continental U.S., except in the southernmost and westernmost states, and their pollen is very likely to trigger allergies. Remember Soil Can Grow Mold. Common houseplants like English ivy, aloe vera and snake plants are excellent at removing air pollutants indoors. Remove debris (such as dead leaves) from the soil and wipe off dust or dirt from the leaves regularly. For any home, but especially urban apartments lacking outdoor space, living indoor greenery often spells the difference between homey and hostile. The dieffenbachia, also called dumb cane, is a close relation to the philodendron, and like its cousin, contains calcium oxalate crystals. Likewise, what plants are bad for allergies? While indoor plants will likely not cause as much grief for allergy sufferers as their outdoor kin, here are a few known to cause allergies for a variety of reasons. Instead, opt for plants that help get those allergens out of the air in your home like snake plants, which are very easy to care for. Cypress, jasmine vine, juniper, wisteria. Large doses can cause nausea and vomiting, and the poison found in the plant has a numbing effect that can cause the tongue and throat to swell. Pet symptoms include arrhythmia, vomiting and cold extremities. The Easiest Way to Own Your Own Snake Plant There are so many reasons to pick a snake plant as your next plant project. Some exacerbate allergies, while there are also many that can help alleviate them. House plants can cause runny nose and itchy eyes in some allergic individuals. 2. They can cause cancer and cause many other health problems. How do you fix outdoor faucet that won't shut off? Snake plant But the plants are also poisonous if ingested. Plus, a fern can cause a rash that resembles poison ivy. Does Hermione die in Harry Potter and the cursed child? Studies show: Exposure to benzene can cause vomiting, headache, and nausea according to research by CDC, USA. Pollen is the main cause of hayfever or seasonal allergic rhinitis. In pets, symptoms include nausea, vomiting, breathing difficulty, difficulty in walking, head shaking, and excessive drooling. How do you know if it's allergies or sick? Cats are particularly susceptible to lily toxicity. Worse, they can cause a spike in blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, tremors, and sometimes even death. Amaranth (pigweed), chamomile, chrysanthemums, daisies, ordinary sunflowers. Shrubs/vines. Don’t over water your plants so they have constantly soggy soil. Consider adding a snake plant to your home for both aesthetic and health reasons. However, people with plant allergies may have a bad reaction to ferns. One may also ask, what plants are bad for allergies? The aloe plant is a popular houseplant that is efficient in clearing the indoor air of formaldehyde, as well as benzene, both of which are released into the air from household cleaners as well as certain plastics. All rights reserved. Similarly, you may ask, is the snake plant toxic? A snake plant can not only tremendously improve the air quality, but also the quality of sleep. Peace lily. When these pollen grains react with our eyes and sinus, they cause sneezing and watery eyes in people affected by asthma, Hay fever and allergies. What cars have the most expensive catalytic converters? Clearly label the pots of poisonous plants. Philodendrons are great at removing formaldehyde from the air, and are hearty plants easy to care for. There are few grasses and flowering plants which may cause allergies like skin rashes, irritations or sneezing. Plus, they are less likely to cause allergic reactions. In extreme cases, it may even result in swelling in the face, usually around the eyes or mouth (angiooedema) or anaphylatic shock. Many indoor plants are poisonous, and children and pets, both prone to putting things in their mouths, are especially at risk. Despite its name, the peace lily is not actually a member of the lily family. They can grow indoors and outdoors, with little to no maintenance. However, even though some plants do aggravate those with asthma and allergies, not all plants are created equal. There are some bright, colorful plants that produce pollens that are heavier and stickier. Not only do houseplants provide a treat for the eye, they can also be a treat for the body. Worst Plants for Allergies. It is possible to enjoy the benefits of many of these plants without the risks, as long as precautions are taken. This article originally appeared on AlterNet. The Snake Plant, also known as, Mother-In-Law’s Tongue, is a great first indoor plant. To keep mold from growing in your indoor plant soil, you can do a few things. What is the best flooring for someone with allergies? Pollen is also produced by the grass and blows in the wind so can impact people far away who can’t even see the plant … The worst-case scenario is you wind up with sinus and respiratory trouble. Reproduction of material from any Salon pages without written permission is strictly prohibited. People can be allergic to pollen, mold or other substances. These problems are serious and need to be resolved as quickly as possible. For pets, it is even worse, causing similar symptoms but leading to kidney failure and possible death. For most allergy sufferers, though, the flowers aren’t really the problem. The good news is people with allergies can have houseplants -- provided you use caution and commonsense. What’s more, snake plants can also help to filter indoor air, an attribute that can keep you safe and healthy. Oleander is a lovely and delicate flowering plant that you might want to reconsider having around. Note: Dracaena plants, English ivy and peace lilies are toxic to dogs and cats, according to the ASPCA. Plants allergies can cause a myriad of symptoms in addition to the typical symptoms of sneezing and watery eyes. While easy to care for and popular, all parts of the caladium are poisonous to humans and pets. However, pothos is also known as devil’s ivy, and for good reason. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. The takeaway Snake plants are proven to be as useful as they are visually appealing. Soil If you have no houseplants but still suffer bad allergies indoor, call Bodine-Scott. If you touch the offending plants, your skin gets in contact with these substances and may cause itching, eczema, skin lesions, contact dermatitis, urticaria or even photodermatosis. Worst Plants for Allergies. Flowering plants produce small amounts of pollen which can be spread by birds, bees and other insects. Learn which house plants can cause allergies in this article. Wear gloves or wash your hands whenever handling these plants. This plant is great for those who maybe don’t have the green thumb, but still want to benefit from indoor plants in the home. Looks are deceiving, however, since they also happen to be highly toxic. A person whose sinuses are affected by a house plant inhales small particles that contain the plant's allergenic secretions. Moonshine – Snake Plants and types of Snake Plants not only provide a unique ambiance to your indoor space, but they also … The fungi, bacteria, viruses, and nematodes that cause disease in, The Snake Plant cleans air better than most other indoor plants as it has the ability to absorb excessive amounts of carbon monoxide. Here are some houseplants that produce very … To remove these harmful substances, make sure you have more than one snake plant in your home. A potted snake plant should only be watered once every two weeks (or once a month during winter) as over-watering can cause them to die. Trees. What are the worst Flowers for allergies? The plants are more toxic to dogs and cats, which can suffer from nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Cypress, jasmine vine, juniper, wisteria. Sometimes these worst indoor plants for allergies can cause rashes too. Snake plants release oxygen, absorb carbon dioxide and other harmful toxins. Boston fern. Flowers/herbs. They contain calcium oxalate crystals, which are toxic to humans and animals. Also called mother-in-law’s tongue, the snake plant is traditionally considered a good-luck plant. It won’t kill your pet, but it will probably make her pretty queasy. Your house plants may not cause allergies thanks to the pollen, but thanks to mold growing in the soil. I'll recommend the best houseplants for bedrooms, bathrooms, and humidity. I'll share my experience with houseplants, allergy, and share NASA research proving houseplants can help remove chemicals and molds from indoor air. The snake plant is also prone to fungal issues, and you might notice these issues from time to time. Another great benefit of snake plants is decreasing the impact of airborne allergens. July 31, 2014 Skip ... this tree can cause pollen problems for six to seven months out of every year. Snake plant care. The plant has low levels of pollen, but its strong fragrance can irritate allergy sufferers. Snake plants are especially good at reducing formaldehyde (released into the air from such household items as particleboard and plastics). Click to see full answer Then, can house plants cause allergies? I share the best indoor plants for asthma, allergy sufferers, and air pollution. Unfortunately, they are also very toxic and can cause, in humans, burning and swelling of the lips, mouth and tongue, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and difficulty swallowing. Amaranth (pigweed), chamomile, chrysanthemums, daisies, ordinary sunflowers. Is a milk allergy the same as a dairy allergy? Knowing what the worst house plants for your allergies are, and which plants are considered to be hypoallergenic can save you a lot of trouble. The lovely yellow daffodil is a beloved plant, especially since they bloom in the spring, signaling the end of the long winter months. Water. Snake Plant allergy is Analgesic. Deaths have been reported from consuming oleander, and children are especially vulnerable. In addition, hyacinth bulbs can cause itching and inflammation when handled. Snake plants, also called Mother-in-Law’s Tongue, are a very common and easy to care for succulent. What's the difference between Koolaburra by UGG and UGG? The fungal issues can cause the plant to wilt over time, and can eventually kill it too. But it might not be such good luck if eaten by your pet, causing excessive salivation, vomiting, diarrhea, and pain in dogs, cats and rabbits. Shrubs/vines. Effective Against Allergies. Snake plants can absorb pollutants that can cause cancer causing viruses. Use healthy and sterile soil for all newly acquired plants or when changing the soil. People usually plant ferns around the house because they aren’t toxic, especially if you have kids or pets. Extreme temperature can generally cause stress among plants. Symptoms include lethargy, vomiting and appetite loss. If you have an allergy of asthma you should plant female plants since they do not produce pollens. Your house plants may not cause allergies thanks to the pollen, but thanks to mold growing in the soil. Caladium is a South American plant, also called elephant ear or angel’s wing. Make sure the plants are out of reach of children and pets (consider putting them in birdcages if you have a cat who likes to climb). Copyright © 2019, LLC. Likewise, is the snake plant toxic? Death may result. Because of the confined space, indoor air is more polluted than outdoor air. While not all lilies are toxic, many are, including the Easter lily, the tiger lily, the day lily, the calla lily, and the Asian lily. 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