how can minimise the use of styrofoam

These single-use items are so wasteful. Since its discovery in 1941, Styrofoam™ Brand XPS Insulation has a long and rich heritage as a sustainable building product, insulating to meeting core thermal, moisture, air and vapor performance requirements through its rigid foam board technology. But you guessed it... those little beads are made from tiny pieces of plastic. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again: Begin with what you can change. This material is light blue in color and is owned and manufactured by The Dow Chemical Company.. Trade in that plastic bottle of shampoo for a solid bar (or a shampoo swatch, like this one!). You can use materials that you already have in your home or you can buy from a DIY store for a low price. Do everything you can to extend that lifespan and keep them out of landfills. Here’s how you can make the biggest impact: Swap one or two items you use regularly with a zero waste alternative. Another method to reduce the use of Styrofoam is choosing eco-friendly alternative products instead. And sure, there are times when having the newest model is truly worthwhile, more efficient, or just a hell of a lot cooler! We’ve tried a bunch, but these are our favorite! The great thing, is you can still get exfoliation without the plastic microbeads. Here's a fun little "rule" to remember: Reduce, Refuse, Reuse then Recycle. Styrofoam is technically plastic number 6, polystyrene. The foam is a type of plastic material that has air trapped inside it. It can be accepted for recycling, but most municipalities specifically state on their recycling lists that they do not accept Styrofoam (and many don’t recycle any sort of no. Start with what you can swap. In some products, soft water (a hardness level less than 5 grains per gallon) will cause foam in oil. I know personally, that is a lot of plastic containers. Isn’t Styrofoam recyclable, though? Two Wandering Soles are participants in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to and affiliated sites. Plus, other life struggles come into play as well. What a simple solution! The number-one way to reduce plastic waste is to cut back on the amount we use in our daily lives. My only complaint is that the cardboard version costs $1 more than the plastic package, which seems a little backwards…, Ben is obsessed with natural crystal deodorant. We didn’t think we used very much plastic... …that is until we started learning more about all the sneaky ways it creeps into our lives. Choose cardboard or plastic egg cartons when purchasing from a store, and try to reuse at a farm whenever possible no matter what kind of carton you get. Let that sink in for a second because that’s huge! Instead, opt for a USB rechargeable lighter that you can use for years and years. Rwanda, a pioneer in banning single-use plastic bags, is now one of the cleanest nations on earth. Insider Tip: If you miss having your clothes come out of the dryer smelling like a fresh meadow or mountain air, put a few drops of your favorite essential oils on the balls before tossing them into the dryer. But it’s okay, because striving for perfection is exhausting and can cause you to give up eventually. That in itself is going to save us lots of plastic waste each year. Styrofoam is a good thermal insulator but independently isn’t weighty enough to use as a sound absorbing panel. I don’t let it happen and always keep large yogurt tubs in the vehicle. Just bought some large zinc planters from Restoration Hardware. EnStyro seems to have some good ideas on how to recycle (reuse, really) Styrofoam into concrete, insulation, and more. Some of the sound can still penetrate the foam, and so it would be inaccurate to call Styrofoam soundproof. Disclosure: This article was sponsored by EC30 — a super unique zero waste brand we’ll tell you more about in this The good news is there are some great (inexpensive) alternatives. And before you know it, they'll just be a part of everyday life. Visit our resources page on Responsible Tourism to learn more about how you can create a positive impact everywhere you travel! In my childhood we had reusable melamine trays, and there are actually biodegradable and compostable alternatives, which unfortunately do not compost if put in a landfill and cost more than twice as much as Styrofoam. Unfortunately, since most churches probably use Styrofoam cups for their weekly fellowship, they help contribute to the 25 billion Styrofoam cups trashed every year in America alone. Reusable glass plates and cups will also reduce the amount of Styrofoam and plastics that require fossil fuel resources. DIY crafts are an excellent way to test your creativity and get you crafty. The foam that you formerly knew as styrofoam is actually expanded polystyrene foam or EPS. While it won't make a sturdy foundation, Styrofoam cement can be used as non-load-bearing interior walls, insulation and garden planters. Please see our web site for more information about recycling options! The restaurant might even thank you for saving them the cost of to-go containers. Refoamit and KWD warehouse have recycled more than 1.5 MILLION pounds in the last three years. 1. Cladmate™ Insulation. Just think how much plastic that will save over time! 6. Stasher is one of the best brands on the market, but these are a good budget-friendly option that we personally use. Nothing irks me more than being handed a massive Styrofoam … Not only are you reducing the amount of packaging in your life, but you’re also supporting the little guys instead of a major corporation. This means you add water once you’re ready to use the product. The more times you can use it the more environmentally friendly it will be. $55.99 . If you want things to be portioned, put them in individual jars or reusable bags. Or at the very least, opt for a cardboard applicator instead of plastic. If you happen to be associated with a big company that uses a lot of foam packaging, you might be able to start a recycling program following the tips HERE. Alternative Tip: If you just can't bring yourself to not put produce in a bag (or you want to buy a bunch of potatoes and don't want them rolling all over your shopping cart! Instead of dryer sheets, get a set of eco-friendly wool dryer balls. This zero waste laundry detergent from EC30 makes it super simple to keep your clothes smelling fresh without having to buy a giant plastic jug every couple of months. But a lot of the time this “consumer mindset” that we’re spoon-fed from an early age benefits the big brands more than benefits us. Further improvements can be made. They get used once, then end up in a landfill. When used with food products, especially when heated, Styrofoam releases toxic chemicals into the food causing a contamination which can be hazardous to your health In addition, when exposed to sunlight,Styrofoam creates harmful air pollutants which contaminate landfills and deplete the ozone layer. Compared to Styrofoam, these two new eco-friendly alternatives help reduce pollution and conserve landfill airspace. Although no. Interested in responsible travel? Stop using plastic straws, even in restaurants. They’ve got lots of details about their journey to carbon neutral on their website. They’ve got lots of details about their journey to carbon neutral on their website. The good news is that a growing number of governments are taking action and demonstrating that all nations, whether rich or poor, can become global environmental leaders. EC30 has a really nice zero waste surface cleaner. Use a pen or pencil to trace the base of your phone (where the speaker is) onto the side of a styrofoam cup. When they pack up this small, you can always carry one on you. Sounds are simply vibrations, and polystyrene absorbs these vibrations, or sound waves. Step 2 Cut your styrofoam to any shape you like, with supervision of a parent. Find alternatives you can use instead. Single-use razors will pile up in the landfill, while razors with interchangeable heads create less waste over time. Now that we know prolonged use of styrofoam with hot beverages or foods degrades the quality and can cause excess chemical exposure (i.e. Psst! It is owned by The Dow Chemical Company. Shipping companies, for instance, may reuse peanuts Styrofoam for cushioning fragile products during transportation. If you're traveling in a place where the water isn't potable, consider packing a Steripen to make the water safe to drink. And that the infamous "trash island" in the Pacific is growing. Resist and reuse Styrofoam packing peanuts. Or that plastic takes up to 1,000 years to full decompose. And be sure you’re recycling them properly. Buying new doesn’t have to be your go-to option for everything. Repair: Something broken? Some of these ideas may not work for you right now. And remember, if you don’t have your reusable bag with you and you need to use plastic bags, you can minimize the environmental impact by reusing, repurposing and recycling them. Start by thinking about one or two items that you use often that come with plastic packaging. Plus, they make way better coffee than K-cups in our opinion! If so, here's a super simple swap: Just buy the kind with a paper stick next time! Oh, and it might be obvious, but getting in the habit of fixing things before going out and buying new is going to save you a heck of a lot of money. We must reduce our usage of styrofoam or replace it with more earth-friendly materials like corn. Instead, opt for brands that have more eco-friendly alternatives like a glass jar or a cardboard container. After testing them all out, we are pretty confident you’ll be able to swap at least a couple products you use daily out for a zero waste version! Right?! Ditch those pesky (and unnecessary!) Just say no. Styrofoam is the trademarked term used for polystyrene foam, a petroleum-based plastic. Jane says: October 14, 2010 at 9:04 am . Support them by buying their products, email them, tell your friends about them. Definitely. This is another old favorite, but since it comes in a plastic container, you could try making your own instead. They’re awesome! We're sending the e-book to you right now, but in the meantime, check out our other Responsible Travel Articles. Start with what you can change, and grow from there. The number-one way to reduce plastic waste is to cut back on the amount we use in our daily lives. Instead of making it a habit of throwing things out right away, try your best to fix them first. I’ll be blunt: It’s a lot of work to be a conscious consumer. Reusing styrofoam is another earth-friendly way to use styrofoam, but recycling it is not possible. Here are a few recipes I'm excited to try. Is the stick between the two cotton bits made of plastic? Did you know synthetic clothing or fabrics break down each time you wash it and small pieces of plastic make it to our waterways? This may be a sore subject for some, but those K-Cup machines — while convenient — create a ton of waste. But it doesn’t hurt to ask! This helps reduce the demand for fossil fuels, too. And if you do need to use them (we've all forgotten our shampoo), refill them over and over again so you can use them on future travels. There’s a lot to think about and brands sometimes make it difficult to find the answers you’re looking for. Don't want to fill them up with dirt because they have to be moved to a sheltered area during the winter. Not only will you never need to buy tampons again (which will save you SO MUCH money and all those plastic applicators) but you can leave it in much longer than a tampon, which is very convenient, especially when traveling. Start using a lotion bar instead of the traditional stuff. Instead, fill up at the tap. (Tip: Being polite in situations like this goes a long way!). Here are some ways to do it — and save money in the process. Refuse: When single-use plastics are offered to you, politely REFUSE them. You don’t have to be 100% perfect. Plus, you won’t have to restock with those silly little bottles a few days into your trip. You can limit how much plastic and Styrofoam you use by purchasing glass plates and cups, which can be reused over and over again instead of just once. Try to plan ahead when you know you’ll be offered Styrofoam – bring your own water bottle or coffee mug to meetings, church groups, or coffee and donuts after church; ask for real cups for kids in restaurants, especially if you know they’ll serve Styrofoam; and if you are offered a hot beverage in Styrofoam and haven’t brought your own, see if you can opt for a cold beverage instead. So much unnecessary waste! We’ve used solid shampoo, conditioner, lotion, body wash, face wash, perfume, eye makeup remover and bug spray (to name a few). Most notable, are higher pitched sounds, like a child's voice, or brisk, soft footsteps. And we try to be better than yesterday. Alternative Tip: If you just can't get on board with this idea, try swapping traditional tampons for one that doesn't have an applicator, like the OB brand. It may cost a little more now, but you won’t have to replace things as frequently if you prioritize quality. These are things you use on a near daily basis. Start with what you can change, and grow from there. Think of a few things you use often that you could potentially make yourself. Stop and focus on any hot spots although it’s likely that term can be applied to the whole upper thigh. You can find about 40 drop-off centers HERE for personal use or search Earth911 for other possible locations near you, or if you’re in Oregon learn more here. These products come to you in compostable cardboard instead of a jug that’ll sit in landfill far beyond your lifetime. — but there are many items that will do the same job whether new or lightly used. As consumers, we have a lot of power, and over time, companies will hear our collective voice if we speak up. Research one product at a time to find the best brand or option, then stick with them. It is owned by The Dow Chemical Company. Make sure to keep your phone standing upright (vertical) when you are tracing it. Make a magic wand by cutting out a star shape. If you’re privileged to live in a place where the water is drinkable, great. The good news we can do something about it. Ever bought a bag of Styrofoam balls to refill a bean bag that’s lost its “cush”? Our advice: Test out the Try it All Kit so you can sample all the different products EC30 offers and see which ones work best for you. 8. Styrofoam poses … And, as contradictory as it sounds, Styrofoam's resurgence may actually be a good thing for the environment. Styrofoam takes up valuable space in our landfills. Before heading to the store to make a purchase, ask yourself the following: Do I already have something that will work? can transfer heat by convection making the house colder. Of course, you can make a personal effort simply by packing your own “no-waste lunch.”. While it can be recycled, the recycling market is diminishing. Like the fact that experts say our oceans will be made up of more plastic than fish by 2050. We each have electric toothbrushes for daily use (gotta take extra good care of those chompers!). Polystyrene foams such as Styrofoam can help muffle and reduce the presence of any noises from outside the immediate room or environment. EC30 has a line of household products as well as everyday self care items that are unlike anything you’ve seen before. Best Seller. We think travel can be life-changing, and we're here to share our best travel tips & inspiration that'll get you packing your bags! Arguably the most well known image of styrofoam is the white disposable cup, seen in many workplaces, schools, and public water coolers. That’s fine. In this article, we’re going to break down some easy ways you can use less plastic. Cavitymate™ Insulation . Now, consider how many times a year you purchase each item. Find alternatives you can use instead. #6. Step 2 Set your wheel sander to the lowest setting and turn it on. Always serve party guests with paper (or plastic if you must) disposables when you can’t use the real thing. 1) carrying out the experiment over as short a period of time as possible. We are not perfect, and we are still learning about ways to eliminate plastic from our lives. German apothecary Eduard Simon discovered … Recycling should not be our first solution. So share your plastic-free tips below! Deeper pitched sounds, such as a booming man's voice, won't be affected nearly as well. This is a particularly big problem because research indicates that Styrofoam may be carcinogenic for humans. We want to take a moment to address something that isn’t always talked about when it comes to plastic or the environment: Privilege. You can limit how much plastic and Styrofoam you use by purchasing glass plates and cups, which can be reused over and over again instead of just once. francescalala. Get friendly with local thrift stores or join a “Buy Nothing” Facebook group in your area (they are an incredible resource!). Reduce: First and foremost, REDUCE plastic usage. And likewise, opt for better quality. Feeling crafty? But the truth is what is an “easy swap” for one person just might not be possible for another. If your foam problem is chemically derived, the first thing to do is check the hardness of the water. Also, we used to like putting dryer sheets in our backpacks and packing cubes to keep our clothes smelling fresh while traveling. Ditch traditional deodorant that comes in plastic packaging. You can get an additional $10 off when you use the coupon code: Wandering10. (Yay, we thought so!) Conclusion. $64.99. Alternative Tip: If you love your plastic toothbrush and can't give it up, repurpose used ones by using them to clean around your house. Bring your own shopping bag . Simply drop two of these surface cleaner swatches from EC30 into a glass spray bottle and you have a zero-waste surface cleaner. Currently only about 10-12% of polystyrene created is being recycled. Minimise our footprint. And then we eat the fish, creating a disgustingly depressing food chain problem…. If a straw is a must, purchase a reusable stainless … "We do not allow styrofoam at the plant. For example, some neighborhoods have affordable grocery stores with many zero-waste options, while other neighborhoods don’t have this luxury. As bans on single-use plastic bags and straws gain momentum across the globe, attention is now focused on another mighty environmental opponent: styrofoam. Not only are you going to be able to save a ton of packaging (wahoo! They enter our waterways and wind up in lakes and streams and in the tummies of unsuspecting fish. Styrofoam is just common stretched polystyrene foam, often used for making things like cups, food trays, coolers, and different types of packaging material. Purchase goods manufactured with recycled materials. Without diving too deep into it, where you live can make a huge impact on what resources are even available to you. It's estimated that EPS makes up 60 to 80 percent of marine litter, according to a 2008 review in Environmental Research. Protecting the Environment. What is their stance on the environment? Buy for the long run: Ask yourself if there’s an option that’ll last longer. Try a natural option, like St. Ives Apricot Scrub. Dryer sheets are another source of — you guessed it — microplastics. We say this time and time again, but we are FAR from perfect. We live in a world where we’re constantly told we need more or we need the newest model. Poke a hole in the bottom with a pencil. There are also reusable silicone swabs out there if you want to eliminate the need for the disposable kind. Perfect swap! Try to break the habit of accepting that bottle of water or taking the straw that is handed to you along with your smoothie. August 24, 2010 Through the “Lake Watch” campaign, the city hopes to minimize the effects of a fish kill by disposing of the dead fish as quickly as possible. 2) Use a larger calorimeter, with greater volume of solution. Environmentalists have long opposed the use of Styrofoam in the food service sector, going as far as banning it in cities like New York. 7. Email Save Comment 15. PIONEERING MOVE Recycle: Some forms of polystyrene can actually be recycled. The great news is there are some really great alternatives that can be used over and over and over…. Body scrub: coconut oil + essential oil + sugar and/or coarse salt, Facial Toner: apple cider vinegar + tea tree oil + witch hazel, Window cleaner: alcohol + white vinegar + water. Use Styrofoam to Make a Floating Tray for the Pool. We seek adrenaline rushes, good food, authentic experiences, and adventures off the typical tourist path. The following post is from Katie of Kitchen Stewardship: Coffee and doughnuts after church, anyone? Bonus: When you stay in hotels with the big refillable containers (it’s becoming more and more common), let them know you appreciate their efforts to reduce plastic waste! by how much plastic we actually use without even noticing. We have spent many years blindly purchasing products with unnecessary plastics, and we continue to make mistakes. Just sayin'! There is a chance for the piece to become stuck in the esophagus and cause mild discomfort with swallowing. The first use of the word minimize occurred in 1802.. But when a company makes shifts, the difference is magnified. This covers most athletic clothes. We have a plant in N. Smithfield, RI and have public collection days scheduled in MA. Sources: 1, 2, Natural Awakenings magazine, August 2012, West Michigan Edition, articles dealing with different aspects of a wedding, Green Living: Protecting Your Family vs. It's made from recycled materials to minimise the environmental footprint. Write to businesses you order from regularly and ask them to use paper or other eco-friendly packaging if you feel strongly about it. All Rights Reserved. Think of your belongings as having a lifespan. Bonus: Many of these tips can save you money too! For example, we eat a lot of sriracha, salad dressings and kimchi, so we started making them ourselves instead of buying them in plastic packaging. Win win. Yeah, I know... we've been using them for years, so we're no saints. In the case of drop ceilings, installing foam tiles will reduce different noises in different amounts. Privacy Policy. Two Wandering Soles Copyright © 2020. We have so much room for improvement and are constantly seeking ways we can be better. As bans on single-use plastic bags and straws gain momentum across the globe, attention is now focused on another mighty environmental opponent: styrofoam. Featured Styrofoam™ Brand XPS Products. But for taking on short trips, bamboo toothbrushes are an environmentally friendly alternative to the disposable plastic kind. reduce the amount of fossil fuels you use, learn about your carbon footprint and ways you can lessen it. We aren't here to judge or to preach, but simply to show you some practical ways you can reduce the plastic in your life (whether traveling or at home). Follow the "5-R" Rule. ... “Not only were we able to create activated carbon for purifying water but we were also able to reduce styrofoam waste, solving two global problems with just one solution,” Cofer said in a TED Talk on the breakthrough. Here’s how you can make the biggest impact: Swap one or two items you use regularly with a zero waste alternative. The meat counter (where I don’t shop anymore since I buy straight from the farmer) is another place famous for Styrofoam trays; see if you can shop in bulk or direct from the farm to avoid them, or just order from a real person at the meat counter and ask for your meat to be wrapped in freezer paper. And in the window properties drop-down menu press N to minimize the window. French presses, percolators, or pour over styles are great alternatives. Unfortunately, since Styrofoam is made from polymers, like plastic, this material never breaks down in the landfill. that everyone is coming from different places of privilege. When polystyrene is combined with colorants, additives or other plastics, it can be utilized in the creation of toys, car parts, appliances and much more. The incredibly lightweight material, used in everything from consumer electronics packaging to food-grade containers, takes a chemical toll on the human body. 5. Lemongrass + Lavender is my personal fave! 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